Approved Education Provider

As an NAADAC Approved Education Provider (AEP), APAAP has voluntarily opened its educational programs to examination by the U.S. National Certification Commission for Addiction Professionals (NCC AP) for content applicability to state and national certification standards. This process is to ensure that learners receive a consistent, reliable and quality learning experience that is applicable to their careers and advances their understanding of addiction-related issues.

All educational events provided by APAAP must meet the following standards:

  • Training content must be current and designed to include recent developments in the subject of instruction.
  • Instructional objectives are to be stated in behavioral terms. The objectives must denote measurable attributes observable in the student completing the program. The objectives are to explain what proficiency the continuing education program participants should be able to demonstrate.

All AEP applications from Mainland China, Hong Kong SAR and Macau SAR should be first submitted to APAAP.

Certification Training Courses


The certification training courses provided by APCCAP are designed for addiction professionals who plan to obtain certified addiction counselor credential. Individuals who complete the course will be eligible to attend examination and apply for certified addiction counselor credential.

This training aims to enhance:

  • Competency of professionals in diagnosis and treatment of substance use, abuse and dependence;
  • Assessment and monitoring of treatment progress with the application of standardized bio-psycho-social tools;
  • Theories and practice in addiction counseling.

Course content outline

  • Module 1 – Pharmacology, Physiology and Important Drug Interaction
  • Module 2 – Co-occurring Disorders
  • Module 3 – HIV & STDs
  • Module 4 – Intake, Screening and Diagnosis
  • Module 5 – Treatment Planning, Relapse Prevention, Discharge and Continuing Care
  • Module 6—Counseling Theory & Methods
  • Module 7—Ethical and Professional Issues in Addiction Counseling

Features of the Certification Courses

  • Multi-disciplinary teaching team
  • Leading to addiction counselor certification offered for Mainland China, Hong Kong SAR and Macau SAR
  • A platform to establish network with other addiction professionals
  • APCCAP credentials will provide eligibility to take the U.S. NCC AP

Continue Education

Certified Addiction Counselors who wish to maintain their professional standing with APCCAP are required 40 CE units (40 contact hours) in the past 24-month credentialing period. In particular, 20 of these contact hours must be specific to addiction counseling. Individuals will automatically earn CE units for all Continuing Education courses provided by APAAP and NAADAC.

Alternatively, Certified Addiction Counselors can also apply for CE units after completing training courses provided by external organizations or education providers. Granting of CE units is determined by the APAAP Board upon review of the intended learning outcomes and content of the educational session(s).

Each year, the APAAP invites experienced local and international trainers to deliver trainings on a wide range of topics related to everyday work of addiction counselors. These trainings are open to both public and certified addiction counselors.